About us: Our accreditations
Click on an accreditation's logo to view the associated certificate(s):

NSI (ISO 9001 Quality Management System, Intruder Alarms, Access Control, CCTV, Fire Detection & Alarm Systems, Maintenance of Emergency Lighting and Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers) say – “NSI has provided certification services for over 40 years and is widely recognised by consumers, specifiers, police and insurers as the badge they can trust. NSI approval is only given to those companies that are able to consistently meet our exacting standards. Our services are continually being adapted and developed to keep pace with new technologies, relevant legislation and ever-increasing customer needs and expectations. NSI now delivers a portfolio of products that provides a single source of solutions for the breadth of your certification requirements. Trusting your certification requirements to NSI provides you with a recognised approval that enables your business to gain and retain valued clients.”

NSI (ISO 14001 Environmental Management System) say – “The Environmental Standard BS EN ISO 14001 is designed to help companies meet their environmental legislation obligations. NSI's EMS Gold scheme identifies companies that achieve these and who strive for continual improvement in their environmental performance. The NSI Environmental Management Systems Scheme is UKAS accredited for application across our traditional areas of expertise as a sector specific body. It is therefore targeted at Security and Fire organisations that already hold our existing NSI QMS (Quality Management System) certification and additionally want to demonstrate their credentials with respect to the environment.”

BAFE say – “The scheme has been developed for the Third Party Certification of those organisations involved in fire detection and fire alarm systems. The scheme recognises the importance of providing compliant systems while at the same time minimising false alarms. BAFE's scheme objective is to provide a means by which fire protection system users and regulatory authorities can be confident that the companies providing fire alarm systems, have processes in place to effectively undertake such activities within their defined scope of work. The scheme document specifies conditions to be met by certificated organisations.”

Cyber Essentials Scheme – The Government-backed Cyber Essentials scheme was launched on 5th June 2014, and is aimed at strengthening IT security in companies of all sizes. The two levels of certification available are Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus. The Cyber Essentials Plus certification requires a hands-on technical verification, which is held by Impulse Engineering Limited. It is the first scheme of its kind; allowing organisations to become certified and thereby demonstrating to customers and business partners that cyber security is taken seriously. The scheme is backed by industry including the Federation of Small Businesses, the CBI and a number of insurance organisations and since 1 October 2014, Cyber Essentials became a minimum requirement for bidding for some government contracts.

NICEIC say – “We are the UK's leading voluntary regulatory body for the electrical contracting industry. We have been assessing the electrical competence of electricians for over fifty years and currently maintain a roll of over 26,000 registered contractors.”

NICEIC say – “Part P Domestic Installer Scheme registers installers to Full Scope or Defined Competence for domestic electrical installation work in accordance with Part P Building Regulations. The scheme covers design, installation, inspection and testing and certification of electrical work associated with dwellings, intended to operate at low or extra low voltage.”

Apprenticeships say – “A government sponsored initiative to improve the profile of UK apprentice training and develop access to opportunities. Companies who have a demonstrable track record and commitment to providing apprenticeship places are authorised and encouraged to use the logo.”

FIA say – “The Fire Industry Association, or the FIA as they are more commonly known, is a not-for-profit trade association with the aim of promoting the professional status of the UK fire safety industry. They are also authorised to train and certify companies under the F Gas Regulation Regulations 842/2006, 304/2008 / GB Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Regulations 2009 (Statutory Instrument No. 261).”

Constructionline Gold (Level 3 Membership) – Assessed on additional areas such as: environmental management, quality management, equalities and diversity. It ensures contractors abide by legislation in areas such as modern slavery, anti-bribery and corruption and shows potential buyers that they have been assessed and adhere to these standards. We have been assessed for and awarded the health and safety section, demonstrating to buyers we comply with health and safety legislation and providing us with SSIP Acclaim Accreditation. Constructionline Gold demonstrates to buyers that an organisation has been subjected to increased scrutiny around governance and risk management and will allow them to bid for and win more work.

Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme say – “The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation that those who serve or have served, and their families, are treated fairly. We're working with businesses, local authorities, charities and community organisations to support the forces through services, policy and projects.”