CSR statement of policy
Our Corporate & Social Responsibility Policy
As a responsible employer and contractor working in the built environment sector, we believe that the long-term future of the company is best served by respecting the interests of all our stakeholders. That includes customers, staff, suppliers and the wider community both at home and aboard where appropriate.
Our Managing Director, Eric Newman holds ultimate responsible for the implementation of the company policy. The directors and shareholders will further provide the necessary resources to operate and continue the development of the CSR. Participation of the staff in the successful operation of the Corporate & Social Responsibility policy is seen as the key to its success and this is achieved by providing information, consulting and training.
We look actively for opportunities to improve the environment and to contribute to the well-being of the communities in which we trade. Our CSR policy (document) sets out the principles we strive to follow and the programmes we are involved in. They include:-
- Shared responsibility
- Sustainable progress
- The Environment
- Communities
- Suppliers
- Health, Safety & Welfare
- Standards of Business Conduct
- Honesty and accountability
- Demonstrable compliance
- Relationships
- Staff
- Clients
We review our policies and procedures in a regular ongoing manner that will result in improvements of our performance.
Charitable activities
With the firm belief that commercial companies have a duty to act responsibly and contribute to their communities, Impulse supports a number of charitable organisations and community projects both at home and abroad:
- Belief in Action www.beliefin-action.co.uk
- Engineers Without Borders www.ewb-uk.org
- TEAR Fund The international relief fund working in many countries around the world. www.tearfund.org
- London City Mission www.lcm.org.uk
- Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice www.pth.org.uk
- Christian Aid www.caweek.org
- Love Russia www.loverussia.org
- Grassroots Trust www.grassroots.org.uk
On a local level, Impulse Engineering has supported the work experience programme for senior school students for many years. This enables them to experience a real working environment for a few days which is good preparation for those about to finish their schooling and enter the workplace.